Sunday, May 30, 2010

Update for the week...
Sneak peek...

Friday, May 28, 2010

Tau Sniper Drone Team

Introducing some heavy support for the Tau Empire.

Will work on the base once I get the right materials!

Drone Invasion!

Woke up in the morning feeling like Fuck there's work. Grab my sling bag, I'm about to leave, and..then i decided to report late.

Poor BC received his package late.

After consulting much online sources and guides for painting advice, i decided to fuck it and do it.

Started on the drones first as they were the easiest..metal is a bitch to paint on, had to dettol the sniper to start from scratch again.

Not too bad I would say..meeting tabletop quality standard I hope. Chosen a deviation of the Au'Taal Sept.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Tau Empire

Janitor Lover reporting for the Tau Empire.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Craftworld Biel-Tan by C.A.W.

500Pts List: 502
Farseer +55Pts
-Guide +20Pts
10 Guardians +80Pts
-Eldar Missile Launcher Grav Platform +20Pts
5 Dire Avengers with Exarch +72Pts
-Shimmershield +15Pts
Heavy Support:
3 War Walkers +90Pts
-Two Starcannons x3 +150Pts

1000Pts List: 1000
Farseer +55Pts
-Spirit Stone +20Pts
-Runes of Warding +15Pts
-Doom +25Pts
-Guide +20Pts
11 Guardians and Warlock +113Pts
-Eldar Missile Launcher Grav Platform with Conceal +35Pts
5 Dire Avengers with Exarch +72Pts
-Shimmershield +15Pts
Fast Attack:
6 Swooping Hawks with Exarch +138Pts
-Hawk's Talon and Intercept +25Pts
Heavy Support:
3 War Walkers +90Pts
-Two Starcannons x3 +150Pts
5 Dark Reapers with Exarch +187Pts
-Tempest Launcher and Fast Shot +40Pts

1500Pts List: 1495
Farseer +55Pts
-Spirit Stone +20Pts
--Runes of Warding +15Pts
-Doom +25Pts
-Guide +20Pts
Autarch +70Pts
-Eldar Jetbike +30Pts
-Mandiblasters +10Pts
-Laser Lance +20Pts
-Reaper Launcer +25Pts
13 Guardians +104Pts
-Eldar Missile Launcher Grav Platform +20Pts
5 Dire Avengers with Exarch +72Pts
-Shimmershield +15Pts
10 Dire Avengers with Exarch +132Pts
-Dual Shuriken Catapults and Bladestorm +20Pts
Fast Attack:
6 Swooping Hawks with Exarch +138Pts
-Hawk's Talon and Skyleap +25Pts
5 Shining Spears with Exarch +187Pts
-Withdraw +25Pts
Heavy Support:
3 War Walkers +90Pts
-Two Starcannons x3 +150Pts
5 Dark Reapers with Exarch +187Pts
-Tempest Launcher and Fast Shot +40Pts

2000Pts List: 2000
Farseer +55Pts
-Spirit Stone +20Pts
--Runes of Warding +15Pts
-Doom +25Pts
-Guide +20Pts
Autarch +70Pts
-Eldar Jetbike +30Pts
-Mandiblasters +10Pts
-Laser Lance +20Pts
-Reaper Launcer +25Pts
10 Howling Banshees with Exarch +172Pts
-Mirrorswords +10Pts
-War Shout and Acrobatic +10Pts
6 Fire Dragons with Exarch +108Pts
-Firepike and Tank Hunter +23Pts
-Wave Serpent with Vectored Engines +110Pts
-Twin-Linked Scatter Lasers and Shuriken Cannon +35Pts
10 Guardians and Warlock +105Pts
-Eldar Missile Launcher Grav Platform with Conceal +35Pts
5 Dire Avengers with Exarch +72Pts
-Shimmershield +15Pts
10 Dire Avengers with Exarch +132Pts
-Dual Shuriken Catapults and Bladestorm +20Pts
Fast Attack:
7 Swooping Hawks with Exarch +159Pts
-Hawk's Talon and Skyleap +25Pts
5 Shining Spears with Exarch +187Pts
-Withdraw +25Pts
Heavy Support:
3 War Walkers +90Pts
-Two Starcannons x3 +150Pts
5 Dark Reapers with Exarch +187Pts
-Tempest Launcher and Fast Shot +40Pts